Tuesday, July 17, 2012

First Mate

Here's a one-off toy sculpt I did for a class, although I'm thinking of making him the first toy in a series of drunken, seafaring aquatic creatures.

Actually, yeah.  That sounds awesome.  I'm definitely going to do that now.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bighorn Penguin

Here's another critter from the spliced-up cryptid series--for lack of a more clever name, it's a Bighorn Penguin.

I'm planning to do a quick mold of him soon, just to make sure his tootsies don't need more definition and sanding, but otherwise he's pretty much done and ready for toydom.

Just a little bit o' cuteness for your eyeholes.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I'm working on a series of vinyl toys, based loosely on the idea of a nutty cryptozoologist who splices animals together and unleashes them in remote locations as job security.  The first--and debatably cutest--of these is Canis odobenidae, also known as the common dogrus.

Here's the original sculpt with a prototype toy:

Thus far, this little guy is the only one I've tried casting, and only in a block mold.  Still working on getting a rotocasting machine built so I can turn out a batch of them, but in the meantime I'll be making two-part molds of all my finished toy sculpts.  Keep an eye out for that.  There might be pictures.