The paint job looked pretty good on the axe bass already, but the understructure was a flimsy blend of carved pink foam covered in paper clay and spray resin with a thin layer of wall spackle as filler.
Because of the strange cocktail of materials--and the lack of adequate drying time between layers of paint--I also ended up with an unwanted crackly texture.
Another problem was that some areas were thin after sanding, and they sunk in when spray-resined and painted.
So, first things first, I gave the whole thing a good sanding...
... Followed closely by ALL OF THE BONDO.
Seriously, all of it. I wore that can OUT. |
I also built up the silver bits (the pickups and the pointy thing at the end) with apoxie sculpt and gave those a good sanding, then sprayed them silver.
I taped off the silver bits for the rest of the process and crossed my fingers that they'd stay all nice and shiny. The next step was sanding... followed by sanding, then more sanding.
The sad part is that, really, I should have sanded a touch more. |
I sprayed the whole thing with a deep red paint, after which (not pictured) I taped off everything but the back and front faces and sprayed those with a brighter red.
Since I was running wildly out of time, at this point I stopped taking pictures. What I can tell you is that I painted the frets and other markings, then sealed the whole business with a matte spray. I added the strings and pegs (which I'd already made) with a wonderfully messy epoxy and called it done.
Oh, and here's me with it.