Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Carbon Fiber Resin Time

Now read that title again, but to the tune of 'Peanut Butter Jelly Time'.  If I just ruined your day, well, that's what you get for doing what people on the internet tell you.

Moving on to carbon fiber... I was pleasantly suprised to find that the resin is about 10 times easier to use than fiberglass resin and, thus far, hasn't shown any signs of attacking me viciously every time I try to use it.

For the boot heel braces, I made the basic forms I wanted out of aluminum wreath hangers, then propped them up over a piece of PVC pipe that I'll be cutting up later for use on the portal gun.  I covered the whole thing in a sheet of clear vinyl.

Note the gloves.

I mixed up the resin and painted it over the vinyl-covered forms, then centered the carbon fiber strips and folded them over with more layers of resin.

Once the resin strips dry and cure, I'll be peeling them off the vinyl and adding more layers.  LOTS more layers.  I do have to stand on these things for quite a while pretty soon.  More on all that later.

Also accomplished--pieces for the gun barrel have been made and painted and are ready for assembly, the insides of the boots have been cleaned up a bit, and I dyed my hair from lightish black to darker black to match my Chell wig.  Yes, there is a difference, and if you're wondering how much more black my hair can be at this point, the answer is none... none more black.

Tomorrow--building a portal gun!  Maybe.  We'll see.  Goodnight, moon.

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